Learn Islamic studies online for kids and Adults
Learn Islamic studies online for kids and adults with Quran classes and Tajweed. This program is devised into nine (9) different courses. The list is as follows:
- Islamic Knowledge Pre-School 1
- Islamic Knowledge Pre-School 2
- Islamic Knowledge Grade 1
- Islamic Knowledge Grade 2
- Islamic Knowledge Grade 3
- Islamic Knowledge Grade 4
- Islamic Knowledge Grade 5
- Islamic Knowledge Glorious Life
Islamic Knowledge Glorious Life
These courses will also be taught during classes of Tajweed, Recitation, Noorani Qaida, or Memorization. Start to learn online islamic studies for kids and adults, along with other courses. These are offered as regular courses as well. We hope that by learning these courses, kids will know the basics of Deen and Islam, In-Shaa-Allah.
We would request all parents to explore the courses and give their valuable suggestions for improvement.
Why Learn Islamic Studies Online?
We are initiating these courses because there is a dire need for them, and we believe that Muslim kids must learn their Deen and grow into productive members of society. The foundational knowledge provided will enable students to explore more about Islam, the Holy Quran, and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions in the future, In-Shaa-Allah.
Our Seal Program, KidsSafe, ensures a safe learning environment for your children. Learning Islam online for kids helps build a strong foundation, enabling them to explain their religion and defend the principles of Islam confidently.
Learn Islamic Studies Online for Kids and Adults
At TarteeleQuran, the basics of Islamic teachings are taught by qualified teachers. Our courses aim to inspire children and adults to learn Islamic studies online, integrating the teachings into their daily lives and enhancing their understanding of Deen. Learn Islamic studies online for kids and adults today to begin this enriching journey toward Islamic knowledge.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: TarteeleQuran
Course Provider URL: www.tarteelequran.com